The Dynamic Philosophy is built upon a collection of different methodologies and based on an emergent ideology defined by the tendency to constantly learn, change, and improve. 

Our Philosophy

The term dog training only covers half of what Dynamic Dog Training does. You train a dog to sit, lay down, come when called, etc. Training a dog to do these things is important, however it is totally separate to dog therapy, which is what most people are really seeking when they contact us. Dog therapy is what teaches your dog to balance their emotions and become calm and confident. Dog therapy is what ultimately solves behavior problems. 

Think of dog training as an english class for your dog. We teach dogs the meaning of words like sit, down, and come in a repetitive process very similar to the way humans learn english. This is what forms the basis of our relationship and allows us to communicate a lot more effectively with our dogs. Much like with humans, effective communication is necessary to a successful relationship, but it is only part of the process. 

The other part of the process is using our communication skills to have conversations with your dog. The subject of these conversations will change with each dog, but the goal of the conversations will always be to build confidence and relaxation. We focus on understanding why your dog feels stressed and show them they have people who are willing to guide them through it.



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